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...Festival "Beraginya" is the effective form of saving and revival of non-material heritage of Belarus and an attraction of children and youth to national cultural traditions. For UNESCO protection of a non-material cultural heritage is one of priority directions of activity of the Organization.


“Beraginya” - Almost unique festival where so welcome participants and visitors. So much diplomas are handed over! So much really valuable prizes! There about each participant it is written so much, it is possible to consider that all have got involved in history with personal history.

It is very sad that "Beraginya" saw only tenants of Oktabrsky and participants, that it does not repeat in Minsk, is not shown on TV, because on "Beraginya» people bring the most unique experience on updating of departing genres of folklore.

It is "the state in the state" in the best sense, in which exist cooperation: children, teachers - enthusiasts, scientific - ethnographers, the state operating structures, journalists.

Ларыса Рыжкова

мастацкі кіраунік узорнага фальклорнага гурту "Калыханка" г.п.Міханавічы, Мінскі раён.

Festival "Beraginya" at present - a new flower of development of festival movement in Belarus. It not only can, it should become a prototype for the future international festival of the present children's creativity.

"Beraginya"- The future festival in the present it demands especial attention from outside organizers who are obliged to keep spirit and uniqueness.

Festival "Beraginya" gives the grounds for reasonings on necessity of development of children's choreographic creativity. It is a holiday of dance, sincere pleasure, inspiration.

Мікалай Дудчанка

заслужаны дзеяч мастацтвау Рэспублікі Беларусі

The Translation:

Гормаш Кристины Павловны
